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"Only as we serve, do we deserve"

Karen Zupanic

The September Edelweiss Program featured Ms. Pam Hack, Foreign Service Officer for the State Department in Amsterdam. She provided the program from Amsterdam via a live streaming link into the Heard-Craig Center. Attendees were fascinated with her stories of how the United States comes to the aid of those overseas. Thank you to Mrs. Judy Tesch for arranging the speaker.

The Edelweiss Organization

"Only as we serve, do we deserve" is the motto of the Edelweisss-Tyrolese group that meets in the Heard-Craig Center for the Arts facility the 3rd Friday of every month. Organized first in 1898 and then merging with the Tyrolese group in 1997, the Edelweiss organization is an education and charity-based group open to women interested in learning and in helping others.

The Edelweiss group provides 8 free programs per year as well as an End-of-the-Year Luncheon. Membership in the organization is $30/year and is open to all. Contact Ms. Carolyn Klovsted, Edelweiss President, at 469-742-0210 or contact the Heard-Craig Center at 972-569-6909.

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